8 October 2015

Review | Temporary Hair Colour : Directions VS Bleach London

 October means the start of halloween preparation so I thought this post would tie up nicely with dressing up. Now I'm no expert at temporary hair colour but I have done it before which makes me knowledgable but not an expert! Just thought i'd clear that up before anyone tries to sue me.

I've always been obsessed with bright, unusual hair colours but been way to scared to try them out but one day I just went for it. Of course at that point my hair was really dark brown which meant I had to get it bleached, please please do this in a salon! I tried to ombre my hair myself once and that ended in me chopping half my hair off.

ANYWAY enough about my life story, once your hair is blonde enough the colour world is your oyster. If you've gone from dark to light like me, avoid the light pastels like baby pink as they won't catch onto your hair very well.

There are lots of different brands you can use for colour but the two most popular ones are Bleach London and Directions.

Directions Hair Colour: Violet

Smell test: Disgusting, but the more toxic a product smells the stronger it is.

Mess test: The big jar means you can fit your hand in and scoop out a nice amount to spread in your hair, of course your hands get messy but the outside of the jar stays relatively clean.

Colour test: The colour takes quite well considering that my hair was a more browny blonde then a bleach blonde.  Since the colour is so dark if you have lighter hair then it will probably turn out a much darker shade then mine. 

Lasting Test: This test really depends on your hair and colour, they don't mention on the jar how long it will stay for but for me it lasted around 4 washes. 

Overall opinion: This product was really impressive and since it was one of the cheaper hair colours on the market at only £3.99 it's a real value for money. Considering i've used this product about 4 times there is still a good half a jar there as well. 

Bleached London :Washed up Mermaid

Smell Test: Surprisingly this product smells really nice, like a sweet soapy smell. 

Mess Test: Since the dye is in a bottle your hands don't get as messy and it doesn't get in your finger nails (i know you should use gloves but who's got time for all that?) But the fact you have to squeeze and shake the bottle to get it out means the bottle gets super messy and needs a wash after. 

Colour Test: This colour is much more pastel green then I was expecting, from looking at the colour in the bottle you'd think it was a darker more bluey tone. It may also just be the colour of my hair but it was also a lot more washed out but it gives it a bit more of a natural vibe. 

Lasting Test: The bottle states that this colour will wash out within 2-10 washes. But personally for me after one wash it faded quite drastically, which was expected as the colour was very light to start with. 

Overall Opinion: This isn't the full size product as I got this colour on discount after Christmas. But the actual product is £5 at Boots, so only a little bit more than Directions. I do really like this colour and product but I feel it would be more suited for someone with very light or white blonde hair.  

If you feel like taking a plunge into the unnatural colour world or just want to add that extra element to you halloween costume temporary hair dye looks so much better than coloured sprays as they don't leave your hair feeling solid and sticky. and  it only takes a few extra showers a day for it to come out! 

Happy dying xx 

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